文員 Reference Number CLK1-KL Work Area Sai Kung Services Social Services - Rehabilitation Services Deadline 07/03/2025...
文員 Reference Number CLK-WLGJ Work Area Sai Kung Services Social Services - Rehabilitation Services Deadline 07/03...
STA Pacific Limited Helping You Achieve Your Career Goals. STA is a premier executive search and selection consultancy, specializing in talent acquisition for senior, middle and specialist level positions across Asia Pacific in Consumer,...
Wellcome is the largest and longest established supermarket brand in Hong Kong with an extensive network of over 280 stores. Wellcome is committed to providing one-stop shopping convenience to customers through quality products at competiti...
Founded in 1979, Wai Ji Christian Service (WJCS) is a government subvented non-governmental organization (NGO) providing a range of services mainly for people with disabilities to help them develop their potential and integrate into the c...
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society is a well established non-governmental organisation providing various welfare services and having a team of 1,200+ staff. With a family-centric perspective, we are committed to delivering quality and profess...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 處理中英文文書工作(包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook等電腦軟件的使用) 協助處理辦公室日常運作,負責一般文書工作,包括文件存檔及整理、輸入資料、...
保良局創立於 1878 年,我們本著以人為本的信念,秉承「保赤安良、扶康育長」的宗旨,聯繫及善用社會資源,為市民提供多元化的優質社會服務,包括家庭服務、幼兒服務、兒童及青少年服務、康復服務、安老服務、醫療及綜合健康服務,每年服務人數超過 300,000 人。 Descriptions 中五或以上程度,香港會考證書 5 科及格 / 香港中學文憑試 5 科達二級或以上 (包括中英數);具相關服務經驗優先考慮。 (西貢區): 負責文書處理、會計、接待及檔案管理等...