Adjunct Faculty Economics The Undergraduate School UMGC Asia Location: Atsugi, Japan University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) seeks adjunct faculty to teach on-site in Japan for the Economics program. Required Education and E...
Overview: Goldbelt Glacier is accelerating healthcare delivery and providing superior force health readiness across the military, federal, and civilian landscapes. Goldbelt Glacier is committed to providing transformative and comprehensiv...
Job Requirements イメージセンサ選別用装置で使用するFPGA開発 ・FPGAのロジック仕様検討・設計 ・FPGAのロジック検証・実機評価 ・不具合解析 Work Experience MUST: Verilog RTLの論理設計経験5年以上 WANT: ASICの設計経験 FPGAの設計経験 1Gbps~20Gbpsの高速I/F設計経験 DRAM制御やGbE関連のFPGA設計経験 SoC設計経験 TOOL: V...
Position Name: IT Project Manager Atsugi Job Annual Salary: 5 Million yen and above Responsibilities: CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system promotion and planning, meeting coordination (user, vendor, etc.). meeting facilitati...
Position Name: Information Project Management Atsugi Job Annual Salary: 6 Million yen and above Job Descriptions: The following tasks will be carried out in the business system (Web application): Planning and coordination (users, ven...
What we offer Explore a world of opportunities with us. Look ahead with us and help shape innovative solutions to make our world more sustainable and life healthier, more vibrant and more comfortable. At Evonik, you have the chance to exp...
Job Requirements ・Services for users of the product Q&A management system (Salesforce): -Register new products, update information, and delete products -Create new user accounts, update information, delete information, and perform inven...
Job Requirements ・Task management for project progress and consideration of improvements to the work flow ・Following the progress of development projects (PJ) -Management of project participants and document folders -Creation of various...
Job Requirements ・Logic design, implementation, and verification of security functions using encryption/authentication ・Security function evaluation and debugging using actual equipment equipped with an image sensor Work Experience ・...
Job Requirements The following promotional tasks for business systems (web applications): - Planning and coordination (users, vendors, etc.) tasks - Project management - Compiling user requirements for execution (development), verif...
Job Requirements Design environment development Program development for semiconductor mask/MDP/lithography/OPC/processing processes Confirmation of layout process margins using lithography/processing simulation Development of mask m...
Job Requirements This position involves performing prototyping work in research and development, mainly of imaging devices. Prototyping work involves a series of tasks, such as setting prototyping conditions for semiconductor equipment ac...
Job Requirements Quest Global is an organization at the forefront of innovation and one of the world’s fastest growing engineering services firms with deep domain knowledge and recognized expertise in the top OEMs across seven industrie...
Job Requirements We are looking for you to carry out various evaluations and data collection work for high frequency IC products. - IC soldering work (including product implementation of less than 1mm square) - Evaluation using various ...
Job Requirements FW development for the CPU installed in the image sensor Lead a team that will understand the specifications of the HW to be controlled in order to control the entire sensor, and design and verify optimal control (number...
Job Requirements Verification work for specific customers Acquire new verification techniques, incorporate them, and apply them to in-house projects Work Experience The most important thing is that the candidate is able to report, co...
Job Requirements CMOS Image Sensor Analog and High-speed Interface Evaluation. Work Experience Must: CMOS Image Sensor analog evaluation experience. Capable to use oscilloscope. Excel: Able to compile and graph verification result...
Valeo is a tech global company, designing breakthrough solutions to reinvent the mobility. We are an automotive supplier partner to automakers and new mobility actors worldwide. Our vision? Invent a greener and more secured mobility, thanks...
最大月給60万円!4〜6連休の取得率:97.7%!大手レストランチェーン店長候補* [仕事内容] 日高屋で働くスタッフに共通して必要とされるのがマネジメント能力です。 首都圏「600店舗体制の完成」という目標に向けて、経営者として店舗を運営していくことになります。 キャリアや経験にもよりますが、入社後6ヶ月から1年で店舗責任者に、その後は店長、地区長、部長と進みますが、適性と能力を十分考慮したうえで、本部スタッフへと進む道も待っています。 最大月給60万円!4〜6...
各ホテルや飲食店などから運ばれてくるリネン類を洗濯し、不備なく納期通り届けられるよう業務管理をお任せします。【事業内容・取扱商材】ホテルのシーツ・タオル類、飲食店のテーブルクロス、ユニフォーム等【具体的な仕事内容】まずは各ラインの実作業に入っていただき全生産行程の流れを把握していただきます。ゆくゆくはリーダーとして生産ラインのヒトとモノ(燃料、資材等)の管理をしていただきます。・洗濯工程の段取り・パートスタッフの人員配置 ・作業工程のチェック ※リネンの仕分けや検品といっ...