Position Summary... What you'll do... In this role you will design and develop highly scalable backend services and features that will delight walmart in-store customers by helping them shop and checkout quickly from their mobile Scan a...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The Job involves several crucial phases, starting with Requirement and Scoping Analysis, where knowledge of risk analysis, cost analysis, business objectives, and requirements classification is esse...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Walmart's Global Sourcing Technology team is responsible for building and maintaining software that enables Walmart to source the best quality products at the lowest possible price and pass those sa...
Position Summary... What you'll do... This role will perform penetration tests on variety of platforms and technologies including cloud services, Internet of Things (IoT), identity and access management, mobile development, virtualizati...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Come join our People Data Engineering Team @Walmart where you'll have the opportunity to manage people data at Walmart scale and make sure the consistent data is being utilized across transactional ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... In this role you will design and develop highly engaging front-end experiences that will delight walmart in-store customers by helping them shop and checkout quickly from their mobile App. You will ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The Walmart Price Execution team is made up of high-performing engineers based in Bentonville, AR who are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the system that our merchants use to ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... About Team: Building the right technology foundation for Infrastructure & platforms is vital to success at the scale of Walmart. Our team builds and maintains the foundational technologies that sup...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The AdTech Digital Store Experience team is responsible to deliver in-store marketing and advertising experiences. We are a team of software engineers whose strengths include (1) collaborating with ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The Register Work Intelligence team focuses on building products that enable our Associates to serve our Customers during the Checkout process. We use open-source tech to build software that stands ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... At Walmart our mission is to help people save money and live better. We are the Fortune #1 company with 11,695 stores under 59 banners in 28 countries. We touch more than 200 million customers every...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Building the right technology foundation for Infrastructure & platforms is vital to success at the scale of Walmart. Our team is responsible for providing horizontal services and solutions in the 'I...
Position Summary... What you'll do... As a member of the Health and Wellness Quality Engineering group, you'll be responsible for test designing, test execution, and find defects using both manual and automation that can directly improv...
Position Summary... What you'll do... About Team: Our team creates reusable technologies to help with customer acquisition, onboarding, and empowering merchants, while ensuring a seamless experience for both of these stakeholders. We a...
Position Summary... What you'll do... What you'll do: Develop and Maintain Backend Services: You will design, build, enhance, and optimize backend services using Java and frameworks like Spring boot. Your work will ensure high perform...
Position Summary... What you'll do... What you'll do: Develop and Maintain Backend Services: You will design, build, enhance, and optimize backend services using Java and frameworks like Spring boot. Your work will ensure high perform...
Position Summary... What you'll do... About Team: Data Ventures Our team creates reusable technologies to help with customer acquisition, onboarding, and empowering merchants, while ensuring a seamless experience for both stakeholders....
Position Summary... What you'll do... About Team: Our team is focused on developing a streamlined, dependable company that includes service operations and technology solutions for Finance, People, and Associate Digital Experience (ADE)...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The InfoSec Architecture team delivers world class solutions that balance the needs of Walmart business and security. Working cross functionally, you will be engaged daily with architecture, desig...
Position Summary... What you'll do... We're seeking an experienced professional to enhance our company's data quality and reporting capabilities. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in designing and implementing efficien...