We need Cleaners Now! Join the PINCH Network- UnlockMore Cleaning JOBS to Build a Better Business and Make more Money...! We need Cleaners Now! Join the PINCH Network - Unlock More Cleaning JOBS to Build a Better Business and Make more Money...
at knee, reach at floor, bend, stoop, squat, crouch, kneel, stair climb, pivot, twist, push / pull with arms, pinch...
, pivot, twist, push / pull with arms, pinch, and perform fine motor movements - Occasionally be exposed to cold & hot...
at shoulder, reach at knee, reach at floor, bend, stoop, squat, crouch, kneel, stair climb, twist, pinch, perform fine motor..., knees, and at floor, bend, stoop, squat, crouch, kneel, stair climb, twist, pinch, perform fine motor movements, cervical...