Job Description Summary Lead the Technical Training operations for Japan working in sync with Product service and service delivery teams. Manage Training compliance>97% through proactive training demand capture and execution at Zonal /Gl...
Job Description Summary GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology and digital solutions innovator. Our purpose is to create a world where healthcare has no limits. Unlock your ambition, turn ideas into world-changing realities, a...
Job Description Summary Systems engineering is a cross-functional engineering discipline centered on an approach, mindset, and process. All activities that consider both the business and the technical needs of the customers with the goal of...
Job Description Summary Activities aimed at proving a concept to be valid or technically feasible by the application of scientific and engineering methodologies. Work in this family typically has the objective of demonstrating through test ...
Job Description Summary Product quality review associated with the manufacturing process. Responsible for departmental operations planning/execution or is focused on execution of professional activities within a technical discipline. Functi...
Job Description Summary Preparation of proposals/bids, contract negotiation and compliance with contract commitments and commercial risk assessment Operates with some autonomy but are typically subject to standard sales practices and proced...
Job Description Summary GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology and digital solutions innovator. Our purpose is to create a world where healthcare has no limits. Unlock your ambition, turn ideas into world-changing realities, a...
Job Description Summary Responsible for dedicated product. Achieve sales targets for the products you are responsible for, formulate and execute marketing strategies and plans for that purpose, and conduct market analysis on the products y...
Job Description Summary Job Description Summary The Region Marketing Leader -CT coordinates and manages some marketing elements for a geography or solutions portfolio. This role contributes to the growth of the Japan CT business by contrib...
Job Description Summary This Sourcing Leader will have a hybrid role as a Program Sourcing Leader as well as a Commodity Category Sourcing Leader. The responsibilities include the development, communication and execution of commodity and su...
Job Description Summary This role is a career entry point of the Consulting & Solutions team, having exposure to front-line customer engagement initiatives spanning from pre-sales activities to solutions implementation, with emphases on int...
Job Description Summary This role is a career entry point of the Consulting & Solutions team, having exposure to front-line customer engagement initiatives spanning from pre-sales activities to solutions implementation, with emphases on int...
Job Description Summary Provides regulatory strategy and direction to the business regarding healthcare industry regulatory requirements for product launch, premarket submissions/registrations and postmarket compliance, working closely with...
Job Requirements Quest Global is an organization at the forefront of innovation and one of the world’s fastest growing engineering services firms with deep domain knowledge and recognized expertise in the top OEMs across seven industries....
【仕事内容】すき家にて、盛り付けや配膳業務をお任せいたします。,◆具体的には… ・盛り付け…各種メニューをマニュアルに沿って盛り付け ・配膳…お盆に乗せてご提供 ・清掃…テーブル拭きや、店内の簡単なお掃除 ※包丁は使いません ◆接客要素少なめ タブレット注文&セルフレジで、 接客要素少なめ◎ ※一部店舗除く ◆充実の研修制度 初日:オリエンテーション 2日目:接客 3日目:テイクアウト対応 4日目:レジ周り対応 5日目:盛り付けなど この...
【施設名】: ぽかぽかステップミュージック 【施設形態】:放課後等デイサービス 【募集職種】: 保育士 【雇用形態】: 正社員 【業務内容】: <保育士・児童指導員> 施設内における療育業務および付帯する業務 ・生活指導計画の作成 ・保護者対応 ・送迎 等 【給与】: <正社員> 月給240,000円- [給与内訳] ・基本給200,000円- ・業務手当20,000円- ・資格手当20,000円- [保育関連施設手当] ※該当...
【仕事内容】,▼お任せするお仕事内容は… □案内 □料理ドリンクの提供 □網交換 □片付け □お会計 □サラダ・スープの簡単な調理 □炭の準備・処理 など 注文はタッチパネルなのでハンディ操作覚える必要なし! お仕事はあなたの経験やスキルに合わせて 一つ一つ丁寧にお教えしていきます! 一通り仕事を覚えれば"月給34万円"にUP♪ ★★★お仕事の流れ一例★★★ 13:00 出勤&仕込スタート 15:30 休憩(1h) 16:30 開店準備 ...
住所 東京都昭島市宮沢町2-23-17 昭島駅、立川駅 給与 介護職・ヘルパー : 月給 260,000円~ 勤務時間 朝 昼 夕方 8時30分 - 17時30分 日勤 8:30~17:30 夜勤 16:30~翌9:30 休憩60分 ※勤務時間は変更になりことがあります。※深夜勤務あり 【休日休暇】 年間休日107日 ※シフト制(月9公休、2月は8公休) ◆リフレッシュ休暇(年間17日) ◆有給休暇 ◆特別休暇 ◆介...
【仕事内容】,<人々の生活を支える仕事をしませんか?> 工事の進捗管理や施工図の作成などの【サポート事務】 管理や書類作成がメインのお仕事◎ 初めは… ◎工事スケジュールの作成 ◎資材・人材の手配、現場の写真撮影etc… 未経験でもできる基礎的な業務から 徐々に… *専用ソフト(CAD)を使用した施工図面の作成 *関係者との打ち合わせ *現場作業員への指示出し・監督 *現場の管理 などをお任せ 入社後は、建設業界の専門家による技術習得のための ...
病院(ケアミックス)の准看護師//透析未経験歓迎!高看支援!駅チカ/改築してキレイな駅近の病院です。 [仕事内容] ◆透析室における看護業務全般を担当していただきます。 【回転数】2クール 【患者数】80名程度 (| 東京都昭島市) [職種] 病院(ケアミックス)の准看護師 [雇用形態] 正社員 [勤務時間] <早番>08:00:00〜16:00:00 <日勤>09:00:00〜17:00:00 <遅番>12:...