: Commission pay All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy...
: Commission pay All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy...
our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured...
Company website] 給我們,我們會致電相約面試時間。 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser...
福利: 供膳食 醫療保險 補充薪酬: 年終獎金 表現花紅 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the...
our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured...
工作類型: 全職 時間: 日班 夜班 星期一至星期五 假日 福利: 供膳食 醫療保險 補充薪酬: 年終獎金 表現花紅 All applications applied through our system...
福利: 有薪年假 供膳食 晉升機會 醫療保險 補充薪酬: 年終獎金 表現花紅 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly...
者可將履歷表電郵至人力資源部 [email redacted, apply via Company website] 或 直接WhatsApp 5520 1529 查詢。 All applications applied through our system will be delivered...
our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured...
: Commission pay All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy...
好的團隊合作精神,粵語及普通話流利。 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy...
集的個人資料僅用於招聘目的。 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant...
our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured...
through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured...
applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant...
: 日班 假日 週末兼職 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy...
食 醫療保險 All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal...
薪酬: $20,000.00至$25,000.00(每月) 時間: 輪更制 福利: 有薪年假 供膳食 醫療保險 All applications applied through our system...
英文頻道社交媒體帳號每日運營和管理 負責部分特別節目及合作項目英文翻譯及校對 負責統籌完成和英文頻道有合作關係的相關活動 負責測算和完成頻道每年KPI任務指標 All applications applied through our system...