-quality fabrication and exquisite craftsmanship. Listed on the Stock Exchanged of Hong Kong Limited since 2002. To cope...
-quality fabrication and exquisite craftsmanship. Listed on the Stock Exchanged of Hong Kong Limited since 2002. To cope...
-quality fabrication and exquisite craftsmanship. Listed on the Stock Exchanged of Hong Kong Limited since 2002. To cope...
-quality fabrication and exquisite craftsmanship. Listed on the Stock Exchanged of Hong Kong Limited since 2002. To cope...
Moiselle 創立至今已有27年,源自香港,為亞洲知名奢華時裝品牌,頌讚東方女性優雅體態, 凸顯修長的線條美。 集團全球營銷點包括中國内地、中國香港、中國台 灣、中國澳門、加拿大温哥華。 詳細職務範圍: 負責店舖日常運作,服務顧客 整理及陳列商品 入單及收銀 接待顧客及解答查詢 銷售貨品,協助店舖營運 產品使用示範 存貨盤點 工作時間: 每週工作日數 6天 需輪班工作: 10:00-19:30 / 10:30-20:00 / 11:00-2...