Established in 1901, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong aims to help the youth to develop a holistic character and contribute...
Established in 1901, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong aims to help the youth to develop a holistic character and contribute...
Established in 1901, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong aims to help the youth to develop a holistic character and contribute...
本會現誠聘上述合約職位 Descriptions Ref. SWASSWC2/02/25 協助會所策動及推行程序活動、個案輔導及帶領小組 協助策劃及推行學校支援服務、義工服務及會所程序活動 須持有本港認可社會工作高級文憑 / 副學士或以上程度之註冊社工 香港中學文憑試五科合格或中學會考五科合格 (包括中、英文科) 或具同等資歷水平 具兒童及青少年服務經驗或制服小組管理經驗者優先考慮 主動積極、獨立、有責任感、具團隊精神、良...