. Compensations & Benefits: Staff quarters 5-day work week Discretionary bonus and double pay Transportation allowance Duty Meals... talent: Assist the Chief Engineer to supervise the daily operations of the Engineering Department such as machine...
閲以上不同空缺機會,有意者請於當天指定時間親臨酒店,分享你的發展熱誠。如有進一步提問,可於辦公時間致電2378-9385向人力資源部作查詢,我們期待當天跟你一起面談,到時見。 Staff Benefits 員工福利 5-Day Work Week 5天工... Foreman / Technician 電器管工 / 技工 Senior / Duty Engineer 資深 / 當值工程師 Security 保安部 Security Officer 保安主任 Graduate Trainee...