for Micro finance/Micro LAP/HF/AGRI/New product Responsible acquit ion of recurring deposit for the bank through eligible micro...Job Description: The position has been created to enable clear focus on handling branch team of Retail/Micro finance...
customer of the bank. The role holder is also responsible for escalating proposals that fall beyond the incumbent's empowerment...
of relevant vehicle finance products & services to our clients in a fair and transparent manner. The role holder is responsible... for the credit appraisal of all vehicle finance proposals at the branch for New CV business. The role holder...
Job Description: Ensure Collection Efficiency in X Bucket Ensure Collection Efficiency in 1-90 Resolution Ensure Collection Efficiency in 1-90 Normalization Ensure Collection Efficiency in 90-180 Normalization roll back Collection...
Job Description: Purpose of the role: The position has been created to enable clear focus on Receivable Management of Housing & mortgages product sourced. Key Responsibilities: Manage Receivables for the allotted set of customer ...
Job Description: Role Category Parameters Parameter Weight % Metro Urban SU Rural BDO Quantitative Parameters CASA Units 10.0% NA NA NA NA BDO Quantitative Parameters CA AMB 10.0% NA NA NA NA BDO Quantitative Parameters SA AMB 22.5% NA...
Job Description: Role Category Parameters Parameter Weight % Metro Urban SU Rural CSO Service Quality Welcome calling and onboarding Customers (100% of NTB A/cs of the Branch) 10% NA NA NA NA CSO Quantitative Parameters MoM CASA NTB (No...
Job Description: Early Delinquency TAT for agency reports Business Target Achievement (Collaboration) Process Orientation Post Disbursement Document Sampling Self Development...
Job Description: Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Retail Customer service officer-Reta...
Job Description: Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal Manager Area Legal M...