Title: LIS SECREP: Program Manager (Contingency Hire) Belong, Connect, Grow with KBR! PROGRAM SUMMARY: The Marine... Corps Logistics Command (MCLC) Logistics Integration Support (LIS) Secondary Repairable (SECREP) Program supports the repair...
Title: LIS SECREP: Information Technology Support Manager(Contingency Hire) Belong, Connect, Grow with KBR! PROGRAM... SUMMARY: The Marine Corps Logistics Command (MCLC) Logistics Integration Support (LIS) Secondary Repairable (SECREP) Program...
Title: LIS SECREP: Operations Manager (Contingency Hire) Belong, Connect, Grow with KBR! PROGRAM SUMMARY: The... Marine Corps Logistics Command (MCLC) Logistics Integration Support (LIS) Secondary Repairable (SECREP) Program supports the...