The contractor shall provide comprehensive outreach services to Soldiers, Families, and GS civilians assigned to 10th... Mountain Division. These outreach services shall include Family Readiness Group (FRG) program delivery, increased awareness...
The Contractor shall provide Subject Matter Expert (SME) operations analysis and reporting support of all Human Resources (HR) personnel management functions at the Division Level. The Contractor shall monitor, analyze, and coordinate and r...
The Contractor shall provide Subject Matter Expert (SME) operations analysis and reporting support of all Supply Operations functions at the Division Level. The Contractor shall monitor, analyze, and coordinate corrective actions for each s...
The Contractor shall , and GCSS-A for 10MTN DIV, and each subordinate BDE and BN within the Division, at least twice monthly. The Contractor shall review the and the GCSS-A report for regulation compliance. The Contractor shall analyze th...