years' relevant post-qualification experience; or At least 3 years' relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II...五年熟練技術人員之相關工作經驗;及 具有三年或以上於取得該等資格後之相關工作經驗;或 具有三年或以在公共工程項目或駐工地人員管理手冊中4.5.2 章節列出的認可工程項目中擔任駐地盤二級監工職位或同等職位的相關工作經驗。 #Attained a level...
; or (f) at least 3 years’ relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II or equivalent in public works projects... (五)具有最少三年於取得以上資格後之相關工作經驗;或 (六)曾在認可的公共工程或表列在顧問公司直接聘用駐工地人員的管理手冊章節4.5.2的項目工程中擔任駐地盤二級監工或同等職位,並具有三年或以上之相關工作經驗。 Remarks...
qualification experience; or 3 years' of relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II or equivalent in public works... (六) 最少三年在公共工程項目中擔任駐地盤二級監工或同等的相關工作經驗。 # 取得相等於香港中學三年級或以上的中國語文及英國語文科水平。(見備註一) [備註一] 在香港中學文憑考試中國語文科及英國語文科考獲第2級成績; 應用...
. 職責 : 機電總署合約編號 1047EM24T執行及監督新界東區市政場地內的電機、機械及其他裝置提供操作及保養維修服務 要求: 有香港專業教育學院或同等機構頒發的屋宇裝備/電氣/機械工程證書或以上學歷,並具有至少3年機電裝置操作和維修的監工...工作經驗 或 至少8年學徒畢業後機電裝置操作和維修的監工工作經驗;及 持有B級電力工程證明或以上;及 持有 (1)《工廠及工業經營條例6BA(2)條》的建造業安全訓練證書,及(2)建造業工人註冊證;及 基本的電腦知識如 MS Word...
具有最少3年擔任電機工程的操作、安裝和維修的監工工作經驗;及 持有 (1)《工廠及工業經營條例6BA(2)條》的建造業安全訓練證書,及(2)建造業工人註冊證;及 基本的電腦知識如 MS Word, Excel Attractive...
:// ), together with a cover letter, curriculum vitae and copies of academic...
Candidates should have: Certificate from the Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Institute of Construction/ Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education/ Technical Institute/ Technical College/ Polytechnic university/ pol...
Supervisor or equivalent in an appropriate discipline in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the RSS... Supervisor I or equivalent in an appropriate discipline in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the RSS...
’ relevant experience inclusive of 1 year's relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor or equivalent in appropriate...’ relevant experience including 1 year's relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor I or equivalent in appropriate...
experience inclusive of 1 year's relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor or equivalent in appropriate discipline... experience including 1 year's relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor I or equivalent in appropriate discipline...