before and after photos and writing summaries, using the ThirdChannel technology on a smart device “Luxottica's mission... A smart device with internet access (iOS 15.0 or above, Android phones on version 10.0 or above) ThirdChannel provides the...
before and after photos and writing summaries, using the ThirdChannel technology on a smart device “Luxottica's mission... A smart device with internet access (iOS 15.0 or above, Android phones on version 10.0 or above) ThirdChannel provides the...
store visit reports, utilizing ThirdChannel's mobile app to gather and submit intel, excellent photos, and well-written..., and navigate, the ThirdChannel app A smart device with internet access (iOS 15.0 or above, Android phones on version...
store visit reports, utilizing ThirdChannel's mobile app to gather and submit intel, excellent photos, and well-written..., and navigate, the ThirdChannel app A smart device with internet access (iOS 15.0 or above, Android phones on version...